
Friday, May 9, 2014

Celebrating One Year of Baby Love Part2: The Babylove

There was so much to look forward to for April. Aside from the boy turning a year old, Game of Thrones season 4 was rolling in. If HBO does keep it going for 8 seasons (and if they can finish the story by then) that means we're halfway through!

While we have been letting him watch some episodes with us, he's started protesting against the blood and gore. It's made us realize several things:

1. He's going to vote eventually.

2. GoT isn't for small summer children. Must change child's bedtime to Before-We-Start-Watching O'Clock.

3. We have a small child who will someday learn the ways of the world.

4. We will have a teenager who will snicker at his "Throner" parents the way I did my late Trekkie dad.

While this boy is still a decade and some away from being that teenager, we've compiled blackmail material clips of his year so far. Warning: has maternal nudity. NSFW

The year certainly felt longer than these 15 minutes, and every moment of it was magical. We're starting to get the hang of this parenting business too.

His developing personality is fun to discover. If he can go somewhere, or get into something by himself, he will try first (and probably fall and recover many times) before ever asking for help. This could be a bad thing and a good thing.

He's learned how to mock cry, to threaten us (with his fingers dangling precariously close to the electric sockets), to put his fingers in my mouth when we're crying/singing/waking up.

He's learned that cats are mimings, and that pictures in books and screens of cats are also mimings, but he hasn't learned that dogs are not mimings.

He waves goodbye enthusiastically when it's time to go. He waves goodbye even more enthusiastically when he WANTS to go (regardless of whether it is time to go or no).

And he absolutely loves water.

And we love you little man.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Celebrating One Year of Baby Love Part1: The Party

We had a full month. I'm not even kidding. We moved houses, sold food at two different fairs, planned the birthday party, had the birthday party (and several surprise parties after from different people).

As for the birthday party...

Paperless and free! Yay for

We made edible nontoxic paints.
I swear it was only food coloring and flour.
the older kids went along, but I have to admit this was too kindergarten for some.

the smaller ones were totally down.
absolutely down.

 Parents played along too.


And then Malaya woke up. By this point, the paints had already been set aside and everyone was done washing up. So all there was left was to sing birthday songs for the celebrants.

Superman cake c/o Tita Arlene Villa

Another little lady was turning 9 in 3 days, so there was no way she was not getting to blow her own candle.

We sang for Malaya and April, and then they blew out their candles.

Malaya got a little help blowing his candle out from Lola Nanay. His "One" shirt was sent over by the Mamita.
We strung paper circles together for curtains. The paper was c/o magazines my friends offered for sacrifice.

We had a chocolate fountain (c/o T&C Rental) , fruits (c/o Kit and Lolo Jumbo!), lots of cake, pancit, Lola Nanay's chicken lollipops and Tito Mark's mango float for the tykes... 

... and had food catered for the adults c/o RTCM Catering. They were nice enough to make some servings vegetarian-friendly. 
PiƱata time!

no palayok? no problem.
party wasn't even halfway through but the celebrants were pooped.

After the small kids went home with goody bags full of the fingerpaint, artwork and candy (sorry parents), the big big kids started playing board games and breaking the booze out.

I blew out 25 candles in a party dress that woulda made my 5-year old self proud.

We also screened a compilation we made of Malaya's first year, which will be up in another post.

Thank you Mamita, Lola Nanay, Lolo Ely, Lola Mama, Lolo Bill, and a handful of benefactors for your contributions to this bash. Yay for grandparents! Thank you also to the friends and family who came and brought gifts for the little boy. Yay for ninongs and ninangs!

Photos were by Eva Marie Gamboa of Picture Trail Studios.

For the rest of this post (CHEESiness! NSFWness!), click me.